The Digital Commerce Association of the Philippines [DCOM], Inc. is a private non-stock, non-profit organization, founded by key players in the Philippine ecommerce industry. We make Filipino merchants globally competitive in digital commerce. We promote and advocate digital commerce in the Philippines through:
• Establishing standards and best practices for a friendly and secure digital commerce industry
• Teaching Filipino Merchants how to properly leverage on digital commerce
• Making the Philippine digital commerce industry attractive for trade and investment
• Partnering with government in shaping sound policies on digital commerce
Regular Membership
refers to companies, registered in the Philippines, directly involved and engaged in digital commerce with minimum one (1) year business operations.
Annual membership
fee is P12,000 paid upon approval of membership and renewed every year starting on the month of January. Associate Membership refers to individuals, registered in the Philippines, directly involved and engaged in digital commerce with minimum one (1) year professional business experience. Annual membership fee is P6,000 paid upon approval of membership and renewed every year starting on the month of January.